Our offer

Career Mentoring : You’re facing a career transition (if chosen or not) or taking on a new role, with a new scope. It’s always a crucial moment, where help is necessary to get clear on the who (your positioning), why, where and how. With our strategy definition methodology, you’ll be all set to move forward with success. We keep helping you along the way with preparation sessions, networking support, strategy review…

Entrepreneurial transition : Your next step won’t be finding a new job… you’re creating your own business. from consulting to purchasing an existing company or creating a start-up… Entrepreneurship is an adventure, requesting support to secure a safe start. As ex-employee from a start-up and intrapreneur within a large group, today mentoring start-up, I know exactly how to help and guide you along the way. It starts with an assessment period (you, your idea, the potential..), before achieving the business plan, connecting to the right people, creating the core team, raising funds, developing the first product/prototype…

Interim Management: You need (urgently) an experienced manager, able to sit down and taking the drive for a defined period? Having created and managed business with the linked teams across continents, I’ll be there to assume the necessary management and (re)build what’s necessary. My experience enables me to understand and overtake responsibility quickly, moving right away to efficient management and taking decisions.